Therapeutic Botox can be an effective treatment for tension headaches, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) discomfort, teeth grinding and clenching and facial/neck pain management. If you’ve been looking for an alternative means of treatment, Botox may be just what you need to find relief!
Botox goes beyond its cosmetic advantages!
Many adults suffer from chronic tension headaches that can interfere with daily life. TMD occurs when the TMJ (temporomandibular jaw joint) causes pain to the jaw or surrounding facial muscles. It is believed that certain habits like teeth grinding and clenching contribute to this condition. These distracting and intense aches can be difficult to find an effective method of relief. Bruxism (teeth grinding/clenching) is more common than you think. Many people don’t know they’ve been grinding since it occurs more often during sleep. Warning signs of bruxism include regularly waking up with a sore jaw, or headache, visible indentations of wear on your teeth or teeth that appear shorter than normal. While nightguards help to protect your smile, they don’t necessarily prevent the painful consequences of uncontrolled jaw movements. BOTOX® has been able to effectively prevent muscle spasticity which contributes to all of the above.
Botulinum toxin type A (BOTOX®) is a medicine made from a highly purified, naturally occurring protein which has the ability to very precisely relax the muscles to which it is applied. This relaxation lasts for several months, and then the treated muscles gradually return to their original condition. BOTOX® does not affect the nerves responsible for sensation, so there is no numbness in the treated areas.
BOTOX® treatments are gentle and quick. No sedation or local anesthetic is required, so you will be able to continue with all of your usual activities immediately after your treatment. You can certainly drive yourself home or back to the office. BOTOX® treatments take only a few minutes, and are performed personally by Dr. Carly Gordon, using the finest needles to maximize your comfort.
You shouldn’t have to live an uncomfortable and unhappy life due to chronic headaches, bruxism, jaw pain and/or neck pain. A therapeutic BOTOX®treatment with our qualified dentist, Dr Carly Gordon, may be the solution you need. Contact Maple Dental Health today for a FREE consultation!